Dr. Chatelain's New Book


Dr. Chatelain offers keynote lectures, moderates panels, and presents workshops around the world. If you are interested in inviting Dr. Chatelain to your campus or community, consult this calendar first to determine her availability. She hopes to see you at her next event.

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Dialogue and Engagement Across Differences

This program will provide an extraordinary opportunity for Vassar students, faculty, and staff to engage with prominent individuals to deepen understanding of the centrality of race in conversations about equality, access, and privilege, and offer constructive avenues to carry the conversation forward both in the classroom and in our daily interactions within and beyond our community.

Panelists include Ivory Toldson, the deputy director of the White House initiative to increase the number of young black men in higher education: Marcia Chatelain, a Georgetown University scholar of African American History; Indiana Garcia ‘11, a recent alumna involved as a trainer in POSSE Los Angeles; Shaka King ‘01, an alumni filmmaker and recipient of this year’s W. K. Rose Fellowship; and Zachariah Mampilly, Vassar’s Director of the Africana Studies program. Vassar professor Mia Mask (film) will moderate.