Dr. Chatelain's New Book


Dr. Chatelain offers keynote lectures, moderates panels, and presents workshops around the world. If you are interested in inviting Dr. Chatelain to your campus or community, consult this calendar first to determine her availability. She hopes to see you at her next event.

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“Where Can We Go From Here? An Exploration of our Nation’s Past, A Hope for our Nation’s Future” Virtual Lecture and Discussion at Temple Emanuel

“Where Can We Go From Here? An Exploration of our Nation’s Past, A Hope for our Nation’s Future” will be a dynamic lecture and conversation about our current reckoning around racial injustice.  With attention to the past 50 years of activism and inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s provocative book title “Where Do We Go From Here? Chaos or Community?” Dr. Chatelain will explore how we identify the steps we can take to promote racial reconciliation and healing.