This year's theme 'Our Voices-Our Stories: Building Community in Times of Crisis' will provide space for participants to grapple with the aftermath of events leading to #BlackLivesMatter, a spike in incidents of Islamophobia, a feeling of vulnerability for immigrants and more.
Speaking at this event will be Dr. Marcia Chatelain, the creator of #FergusonSyllabus and a specialist on race, gender, and social movements in America.
Dr. Chatelain will talk about how #BlackLivesMatter, #SayHerName, and other recent calls for justice challenge us to consider how we can contribute to these struggles. Dr. Catelain will provide the audience with insights that can help us navgate such an overwhelming moment, as well as help the community better understand the range of responses to the critical questions that the fight against sexism, xenophobia, racism, and homophobia inspires. With honesty and an attention to all the emotions that arise when we have difficult dialogues, Dr. Chatelain's presentation will help all of us find our place in such an important moment.
Price: $40 for the full conference, $15 for the keynote address