Dr. Chatelain's New Book


Dr. Chatelain offers keynote lectures, moderates panels, and presents workshops around the world. If you are interested in inviting Dr. Chatelain to your campus or community, consult this calendar first to determine her availability. She hopes to see you at her next event.

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Gender and #BlackLivesMatter: Lessons Learned from a History of Struggle (Graduate Colloquium lecture)

  • Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL USA (map)

Dr. Marcia Chatelain’s lecture will examine the ways that black freedom struggles from the 1950s to the present have ignored the fundamental importance of gender to every aspect of social movements, from leadership to strategy. This talk will highlight the ways that #BlackLivesMatter is articulating a new vision of racial and economic justice that practices and models gendered consciousness. Sponsors: Center for the Study of Women, Gender & Sexuality and the Graduate Colloquium Committee